Capri is now a little over 7 months old! She is at this horrible in-between stage where she is so-over all of her toys, bouncy, jumpy, daddy, mommy but she can't yet crawl to entertain herself. She wants to SO bad. We have her on the floor every second we can trying to push this developmental stage. So far, she gets up on all fours, but she won't move. We crawl around with her, help her move her feet, her hands. We hold up her belly, but she doesn't move. She has always hated being on her belly, being held facing outwards ect. She can pull up already (and she does it all the time), and it makes me wonder if she will skip this whole crawling thing all together. She doesn't really care for the floor, and makes a little diva face like "gross". I don't think its a sensory thing, she just acts like she's too good for it. Hubby and I can't wait until she can have some freedom. She is so fiercely independent that not crawling is just not working for her. She cut two little sharp teeth this week- which has been and she is working on about four more, all at once!
She rewards us though with all are hard work by grabbing my hair, or the skin on my neck with both hands and pulling me in for a big open mouth kiss. The teething has been hard, but the subsequent cuddles have been priceless. We have discovered that she just adores other babies, and insists on trying to kiss and hug them. Hubby and I kiss her and hug her a ridiculous amount (like every second), and we are wondering if we are teaching her inappropriate social behavior- because thats all she really wants to do with other babies and kids. Play with a toy? Why do that when we can just make out?
Bath time is always a big hit around our house, and I am loving the fact that it calms her down, and makes her happy. We aren't really conserving water with the increasing number of baths, but honestly- if my baby is happy- I'll skip a shower if I have to, ya know?
The little adorable outfit above is the result of the sweetest care package sent from my best friend Chelsea, her hubby, and parents. It made me cry and I realized how deeply loved we were. Friends are just the greatest treasures, and Capri has loved her new clothes. Chelsea is definitely a Savvy Auntie.
Peanut is really behind where Bubbie was at this age. Bubbie was standing up and pulling up by this time. They each have their own pace... Peanut isn't sitting up yet. He'll do a half way thing and he'll rest on one arm....
It felt like T took forever to crawl. Then it was backwards....everywhere and anywhere, but backwards.
jonah took his time with everything!!!! i cant really remember when he started crawling ,but i do remember it was really late and he didn't start walking until 15 months! she'll get there, when she feels like it. lol.
again, i love your hair!!!!
She is so cute! How could you not love on her all the time?
Well, you can look at it as, she is not getting into things she shouldn't be. Sometimes crawling is skipped...Watch out, cause when she takes off, you will be chasing after her. Her eyes just melt the heart..
Be patient. I remember being so anxious for the next step with Allison, and now it seems like it all went so fast.
As far as my experience goes, I remember thinking that my kids were "ready to crawl/walk" for quite awhile. you think they are there, but it takes them deciding and figuring it out on their own.